

The Anglican Church baptises infants even though they are not old enough to process the Christian faith themselves.  This is done with the understanding that the parents will teach their children the faith and encourage them to live it out in their daily lives.  Baptism is a 3-way agreement between God, God’s family and you (the baptized).  Baptism involves a promise and commitment from all the parties for instance:
to see that our child is nurtured in the faith and life of the Christian community -- in other words, the Church.
to, by your prayers and witness, help your child to be like Jesus.
You will also publicly:
renounce Satan, all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God, the evil powers of this world and all sinful desires that draw you from the love of God.
turn to Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Saviour. 
This means that parents who wish to have a child baptized in the St. Barnabas Christian community, must normally either be, or become, active members.  Therefore parents are asked to consider the following honestly and carefully before bringing children to Baptism:
~are you prepared to become an active member of St. Barnabas church?
will you encourage your child to look forward to receiving Confirmation at a later date so he/she may be equipped and enabled to carry out his or her own personal ministry, in the power of the Holy Spirit, as part of our Lord's body, the church?

If you are interested in Christian Baptism for your children or learning more about being a member of our parish, please contact the office.